Contradicting Thoughts – Cognitive dissonance

Contradicting Thoughts – Cognitive dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is the guilt, tension or discomfort we feel when our actions and behaviour do not align with our beliefs. Usually caused by holding two opposing or contradicting beliefs. 

 We like to see and think of ourselves as good, moral people but that model is challenged when we do something we believe to be morally wrong or against our beliefs. 

How do we resolve this tension? We can spend countless hours overthinking, beat ourselves up and identify as a bad person, which isn’t entirely true as you know you do a lot of good. We can rationalise by comparing our actions to others who have done worse or we can choose not to care at all, either way, we have to resolve this tension and discomfort.

How this relates to mental health

Holding contradicting beliefs can cause confusion, frustration or disappointment leading to stress and anxiety. Especially when our moral and ethical beliefs do not line up with our actions, behaviour and desires

Wanting or believing two conflicting thoughts at the same time is similar to pushing and pulling at the same time, you not only waste energy but ultimately go nowhere. 

Why you are stuck

Cognitive dissonance can cause oscillation, we make progress, take two steps forward then two steps back. Our minds thrive when we direct our focus and energy in one direction. Remember what you focus on grows and good old cause and effect? We get back what we sow!! Yet, we are unconsciously double-minded, wanting one thing but fearing its polar opposite which gets us nowhere or averages at best. It’s like planting seeds and weeds at the same time. We know and share positive quotes but how often do we follow through on what we know we should do? Our behaviour is a result of our paradigm (collection of habits) and Cognitive dissonance plays a huge part in the inconsistency between our thoughts and results.

Appostle paul said in Romans 7:15 (NIV)

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.

We have to resolve these contradicting thoughts and beliefs, rather than rationalise and talk your way out of it, you have a choice to stop the cycle.

Ways to Resolve the Tension


The first step in resolving any problem is becoming aware of the problem. Write down all your contradicting thoughts in all areas such as relationships, finance, career, friendship, health etc. 


I want to eat healthily but secretly eat unhealthy snack 

I want more money but money is evil

I want to follow my dreams but fear the risk, change, judgement..

2. Decide on the method

Go through your list and cross out the ones you wish to drop entirely, select those you wish to keep but give a different meaning and those you wish to not care about. In some cases it’s clear cut, you can easily drop one, but be true to yourself. Balance your poles, don’t be hard jammed to one side or the other. We are all hypocrites and naturally have a self-serving bias, we judge others for the same things we do. Resolving dissonance and avoiding judgment gets you open-minded and open to change which helps learn new things, get along with others and yourself.

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Why Suffer Alone: Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Overthinking, Panic Attacks, Depression, Stress and Social Anxiety

What this book shares is the life lessons of someone who has spent many years in the dark cloud of depression, anxiety, and elevated stress levels. It was a life of disempowerment, of thriving on the victim mentality, and of endless suffering without purpose. It was also a time of bondage, of bad memories stored away right in the top drawer of the memory bank, ready to be flipped open and shared whenever possible, ready to disempower whenever it could.

It is, however, also a story of hope, one that started when fears were faced head-on. When you opt to run from your fears, you will always be chased. Hence, the advice, tips, guidance, and practical examples shared in this book are from a life of overcoming victimization and the freedom you, too, can enjoy when you take responsibility for your life.

The hope is to help you find the wisdom, courage, motivation, and inspiration you need to move from darkness and into the light.

In Why Suffer Alone, you’ll discover:

  • What is Stress, the 5 Stages of Stress and how to look out for them
  • The Cycle and challenges of Change
  • Panic Attacks, What Happens in Your Body When You Have a Panic Attack and how to Get Through a Panic Attack
  • Depression—A Cause or an Effect
  • Your Brain and how it Adapts to a Change of Perspective
  • How Neuroplasticity Works and How to Use is to Your Benefit
  • Expand the Horizons of Your Emotional Intelligence
  • Your Self-Talk, it’s purpose and Adjusting the Tone of Your Inner Voice
  • What is Overthinking and how to Know the Signs
  • Why Negative Thoughts Trap Our Minds Much Easier
  • Role of  Desire and Expectation
  • How to Set Yourself Free From Negative Thinking
  • How to Break Bad Habits
  • The Importance of Living in the Moment
  • How to Overcome Social Anxiety and Build Your Network of Support
  • Meditation, how it works and how to Meditate
  • The Importance of Visualization
  • Mindset Growth Hacks

PLUS, WE’LL TAKE A DEEP DIVE ON Freedom and What it Truly Means to be free

  • how to overcome depression
  • how to overcome Anxiety
  • how to overcome Stress
  • how to overcome Fear
  • how to overcome Negative Thoughts
  • How to deal with depression
  • How to deal with depression and anxiety
  • How to deal with depression at home
  • How to deal with anxiety
  • How to deal with Negative Thoughts
  • Stress anxiety depression relief
  • Panic attacks and anxiety relief

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook and Audiobook (Audible & iTunes) Click here for more 

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